I've been to my sister-in-law's wedding in Hawaii.

I've also been busy writing a traffic engineering assignment on all sorts of dull policy and planning type stuff.

I've had tonsillitis, again.

But apart from all this, I have noticed there is a Vintage Sheet Fat Quarter Swap happening but it's for US residents only (which made me a bit sad). And then I thought, "perhaps I could organise a swap for Australian residents only". Would anyone be interested? It'd have to happen in July since that's when I have my break from study. If you're interested, just leave a comment and maybe if you think your blog-followers may be interested you could pop something on your blog too!

If this goes ahead I think I'll have to make one of these (thanks to Rita at Red Pepper Quilts for the ongoing inspiration)...

There has been little crafting happening at my place and I'm desperately missing it! Bring on 2011.
I'm up for some vintage sheet swap goodness! I'll blog about it when I get around to blogging next (hopefully tonight)
If I have any energy at that stage I will definitely be in. I just love to see the amazing varieties of vintage sheets. Please count me in. Cherrie
I've done a post about the Swap!
I'll join in but I'll have to do some op-shopping!
Might see you Sunday!!
I have just added apostscript to my new post and used your picture for a button at the top of my blog. Cherrie
I would be interested and break from study time would suit me too!
Welcome home Ange!
Not 100% about the swap because I use so much of what I find that I might not have any left when the time comes. But I do love the idea of it.
I'd be a part of it for sure let me know further details closer to the date :) Sorry to hear about your tonsillitis - hope you're all better soon!
Can you give me more details regarding the swap...
I gather we swap vintage sheets... it that right.
Sandy N
I would be willing to give it a try. Can you explain the concept a bit more?
OOh OOh great idea...I would love to join... any more details???.... I have a quilt pattern from a few years back and would love to make it...
Hugs Dawn x x
P.S. will blog about it next time I blog
Oh count me in, that gives me plenty of time to find a great sheet.
i will do a post when my computer lets me.
Oh yes please!! Sheets or fat quarters? Info would be great :)
I'd be interested. I've been collecting them for a while with just this thought in mind. I just hope my stash is good enough.
sounds like a great idea! Depending on the details, I think I can be in, thanks, Eleesa
Hiya Ange, long time no visit - I'm sorry.... You know how life kind of gets away from you sometimes? I've just had a lovely catch up though, Matilda's dress is *gorgeous* (yes, it's been that long!) and your swap looks great fun, wish I was near enough to join in! x
OMG where the heck was that traffic light photo from????
Oh, I don't have any vintage sheets but I'll track some down for a swap, yes please!
My email is on my blog profile :-)
If you end up going ahead with it, count me in...
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