Saturday, October 1, 2011


I have participated in the annual Blogtoberfest for the last two years.

But given there is a new little man at my house I am officially having a BlogtoberREST!

This October, I may or may not post on my blog.

This October, I may or may not visit your blog.

For all the Blogtoberfest participants - enjoy, it's always fun to have new readers and to discover new blogs!


Ellieboo said...

Dont blame you Ange!!!

willywagtail said...

I think I'll join you - just because (not counting all the time I haven't blogged lately anyway). Congratulations on the extra man in your life too. Cherrie

Sarah said...

Very wise woman!

This will be my first year...

Vic said...

Giggling at "Blogtoberest"! Very wise.